Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

The Squishables Werewolf and Micro Fox Photo Review

Fox Micro Squishable
(Please give my fun animation a few more seconds to load in) 


I had to bring you something different for my favorite time of year and what better than this amazing NEW Werewolf Squishable for my
Halloween Special review!

I know these arnt gadgets but everyone loves an adorable face and a fun cuddly don't they...even those tuffy wuffy's out there....I know you smiled when you saw them?

I was lucky enough to receive these 2 guys through the post to show you all. We just couldn't resist the gorgeous Werewolf those eyes and the mouth he is beautiful and the Fox a micro version is adorable; don't they look stunning together.

Squishable.co.uk have been going since November 2013 and have been supplying giant soft toys both online and to a large number of stores around the country. Squishable started in 2007 in the US when founders Zoe and Aaron identified a need for more awesome range of soft toys and started to create some designs which were mostly big round stuffed animals.

Checkout my full photo-review on these gorgeous guys!

 This rather large box arrived in my garden with strange noises inside!

My Squishables arrived within a few days in a large cardboard box in their own poly bag to keep them clean and dry.

I opened it to find a shy Werewolf peering out at me
Aww you can come out now fella!

Imagine my face when I opened the box to find these guys, my heart melted.

Happy to be out of his box.
I feel like I'm being watched....or is it my imagination?

What can I say, Im in love; this Werewolf is 15 inches of squishy goodness; he's not full of bones, blood and guts but Polyester fiber. His fur is unbelievably soft and silky and you cant help but stroke him; which is why he is so grumpy. His toughy wuffy character ruined by his amazing softness and silkiness. His street cred gone down the drains with so many ooh's and arhh's.

His super large size makes him so impressive and he's actually quite heavy; how many people have gone missing from round here recently...eeep! I though he had been putting on weight!

Lets measure that big budha belly; he looks like his gonna pop!
Yep its just over 43 inches in diameter and he's 15 inches high!

 I cannot stress just how soft he is; from this pik if you look closely he has been made with a combination of 5 different fabrics. So much has gone into his character.
  • Outer body has the most luscious silky dark grey fur.
  • Inner ears, muzzle and paws a shorter lighter grey.
  • His tummy a super-plush velvety feel.
  • Lastly his "face star" is a longer length soft silky grey.
  • Nose and outer eye is a black fur.
I just love his front paws which have black felt claws coming from the paws.
I think you need a manicure fella.

 His back paws sit forward so he's sitting on his bum. Each back paw has a sewn in paw print and another 4 black felt claws. These padded paws really add to his design.

I love the way his feet can dangle off a chair, your lap or a shelf....or a toadstool!

He has a fab silhouette shape from behind; almost a sulky cute look with a lovely thick furry tail and just enough ears popping up.

This "face star" is genius as it gives him his cute but grumpy Werewolfy look; the grey fur is extra long meaning you just cant help stroke that face.

Both his large eyebrows and muzzle protrudes perfectly and are firmly padded.

His mouth and teeth is what gives him his gorgeous Werewolfy toothy grin. The teeth have been embroidered perfectly with not a stitch out of place anywhere.

The orange and black plastic eyeballs really finish him off; how can you resist these eyes and that grin...butter wouldn't melt.. is that blood on those teeth...what have you done....? ;-)
The eyes are extremely well sewn on with no worries of child dangers.

Both toys have the Squishable label securely sewn onto their backsides.

We need to keep him busy...keeping his mind off food!

Other creatures just cannot make him out.
Werewolf meet Wolf...totally unsure of each other...its the mirror image?
Now Im going to have to watch 2 of them on the full moon...sigh!

Fox Micro Squishable Keyring
I was lucky enough to get Foxy to show you too and it was wonderful to see just how gorgeous these micro 3 inch Squishables are too; with the same luxurious fabric fur and the same cuddly ball shape and just small enough to take everywhere with you.
Never be without your squishable!

 What I really love about these is the way they have been designed to sit looking  up adoringly into your eyes because he is so small...genius!

After being really ticklish he finally let me measure that tiny tum of his which is just 9.75 inches in diameter and he's 3 inches in height.

 I love the cute pronounced nose and profile its just so adorable; they really have been thought out.

 The large bright blue Karabina is made of thick plastic to keep it safe for the kids..no nipped fingers as its pings back. They have used thick black twisted cord as the hanger; keeping everything super soft.

 Turn him round and you'll find an adorable cute furry tail.

Right down to the little white tip on the end.

 See just how cute is this...how can you resist, you need to take him home!

Dont they just look stunning together; how can any child...er...or...adult resist these two.


I absolutely love these two from Squishables, the design and excellent quality fur fabrics are sooo luxurious, sumptuous, luscious, soft, silky and just darn strokable. These are the best cuddly toys I have ever had in my life and that's alot of years...
There is a Squishable for everyone's taste in cuddlies; from fantasy animals to farm and wild animals and birds; available in 3 different sizes; 15 inch, 7 inch and 3 inch. But if your gonna get a Squishable go for the large 15 inch they will make you smile every day.
The roundness makes them perfect as cushions or pillows, the nobbly noses are not hard and you can easily use Werewolf as a pillow for dozing on the sofa at home. Foxy makes the most adorable main keyring and will get you loads of comments and envious looks. They are fun, affordable toys for kids and bigger kids everyone has a favorite just ask them.

  • Unbelievably soft and silky fur.
  • Good rich colours.
  • Brilliant character design.
  • Floppy paws makes them more cuddly especially for kids of any age.
  • Affordable toy quality.
  • Amazing selection of designs from the cute to quirky.
  • Too cuddly cant get anything done.
  • Cant walk past without stroking them.

Before and after's!
 Wolf what have you done?

     You can buy your Squishable Werewolf HERE
    for only £35

    Buy your Micro Fox 

    Here are just some of the Squishable characters to choose from.

    WIN your very own Squishable with
    Mr Fox Travels

     One person will be picked at random every 2 weeks or so to host Mr Fox at your home to take at least 2 photos or a video of him before sending him on his way to the next lucky winner; where you can then choose a 15 inch Squishable of your choice!
    So click the boxes below to apply for Mr Fox!

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