Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

FREE Zombie & Apocalyptic Books on Amazon today!

Today is a quick post for those of you who love zombies and apocalyptic reads. 

I went in search on Amazon for new zombie and/or apocalyptic reads and discovered to my surprise 10...yes I said 10 books from authors Ive not read before.

To top it all they were all FREE at the time of posting this; so I just had to share these amazing finds with you all. Its an early Christmas pressie for me I cant wait to start reading them. Its a perfect chance to try some new authors you wouldn't normally read.

Just click the books to take you directly to Amazon UK

I also bought these 2 books as well, as they were under a pound so still an amazing bargain.
Make a zombie/dystonian-aholic happy this Christmas with any of these books they will think you've spent a fortune on them. ;-)
Which books take your fancy or if you've read any of these books let me know what you think? Plus you will of course be seeing my own book reviews as I read them.
Bye for now!

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