Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

My Pet Solar Grasshopper Review

Meet my new pet, Peeve the Grasshopper

My other half knows exactly what makes me smile; no its not just handbags, but gadgets that also have the cute factor  (if you think bugs are cute like me that is lol).

I was surprised with this adorable solar powered grasshopper a perfect combination of my passion for photographing bugs and gadgety things.

See the video and more piks after the break.

If you've got kids that are fascinated with gadgets or that love science projects; this is an ideal pressie to show a fun way to introduce kids into the concept of solar power and saving our earth by going green. At the same time of appreciating bugs and getting a cheap pet.

My Solar grasshopper who I have named Peeve, arrived in the very basic clam-shell transparent plastic packaging. Showing mainly chinese writing with some English explanations.

This adorable grasshopper jiggles and shakes as soon as the sun comes out just like us in England as we don't see it often. A fun, affordable, science educational toy to show what makes him move when the sun hits his mini solar panel on his back.
How radiant energy from the sun is transformed into electrical energy with a PV cell motor into motion...better known as the cricket jiggle.

At 4.2cm long and 2.5cm wide (width of his legs) he is just a bit bigger than an actual real life bush cricket.

But sooo much cuter with sticky-on googly eyes that also jiggle as he moves.
The mini black solar panel is 3cm x 1.8cm and is good quality with no crackling that you get with many solar toys.

Underneath you can see his body is formed into an insect shape with lime green plastic and inside is the motor to make him dance.

 Sorry Peeve, not the best view....., but it shows the little motor inside that will throw him around...effectively dancing.

 He is also fitted with 6 wire realistic shaped legs; these make a great vibration noise on some surfaces as you can see in my video.

The middle legs are just for show and don't touch the ground, this really does BUG me after all he is my "pet Peeve".....
 (Now ya got it) ;-)

What I do love is his massive 8cm long antennae which really add to his movements when he jiggles.

 I have to say this is just so darn cute for a teaching toy and really well built; the solar panel is glued on, his wire legs and antennae are pressed into the plastic body holes. Clumsy young fingers however could still break him, while on the subject of children this should not be for the very young as swallowing is not an option.

I do have a love for anything solar powered.

 So this was one gift I fell in love with immediately and he is sitting on my desk right now with Wall-e....I know...Wall-e has a cockroach for a friend if your go by the film but I love them together lol. ;-)

Its an easy, fun way to introduce kids into the concept of solar power and saving our earth by going green.
Cheap with no batteries to replace you just need the sun....er...hmm...emigrating may prove an expensive way to get him to work lol!
This gorgeous cricket looks so real and go on admit it he made you smile too....isn't that enough for under a fiver to get this ever so affordable cricket?

This is just one of the places on Amazon you can find this solar grasshopper
But  sHop around to get the best price.

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