Selasa, 24 November 2015

Remote Control Madness- BB-8 Sphero, Worlds smallest Drones & LUNA-Pi reviews coming soon!

With the dreaded Xmas getting ever closer I have a fun set of reviews coming up very soon for all you remote controlled-toy lovers.

We both adore unusual remote controlled toys and these are no exception; talk about unique!!!

I was also lucky enough to get my hands on the NEW widely anticipated Xmas toy....possible number 1 for Xmas!
BB-8 Sphero is from the latest Star Wars film; where Disney and Sphero got together combining their life forces to produce one of the most cutest robots around.
Anyone that knows me knows how much I love robots and what makes BB-8 so special is the fact he has autonomous behavior and will respond to you. It was love at first sight for me and we will soon both be exploring the galaxy and beyond together.
I cannot wait to show you how clever he really is, if you cant wait checkout the site here!
But dont forget to pop back to see my full indepth review and video of this adorable little guy.

I also just want to point out how all these are in orange; a fun outdoorsy futuristic colour.

Also after having a blast with the Rebelite Xflyer a few months ago, we were kindly sent..drumroll....
THE WORDS SMALLEST Quadcopters......
in the world by Axis Drones who specialize in mini drones.

Checkout just how tiny these 2 mini quads are, The Aerius (on the left) has just superseded The Wallet Drone on the right hand side and is NOW officially the "WORLDS" smallest drone in the world. 
They are both just as adorable as each other. Both have LED's, both do stunts and flips...yes even at this miniature size.
Review and video coming very soon!!!

 Both Drones also come with their own cases and the Wallet Drone on the right even charges itself while in its own case...genius!

On the same line as clever robots....I cant wait to introduce you to my other half's latest Raspberry Pi project!!
LUNA-Pi; we both adore WALLE and have been designing Raspberry Pi projects over the last year using the latest Raspberry Pi 2's so what better combination is.....
WALLI-Pi and his new girlfriend LUNA-Pi; she has her own moon Rover tracks with distance sensors so she doesn't bump into out baby WALLE!

Whereas WALLI-Pi at the back...has almost every gizmo going that will fit inside his little "compactor" body (110mm x 110mm).
A 2.8 inch TFT monitor screen, camera, arm and neck servo's and neck adjustment servos. He has his own beating heart LED and his eyes are sexy blue 8x8 matrix so he can blink and wink at us and a matrix mouth too. As well as a gorgeous programmable PiGlow for effect plus lots more...which I will tell you more about at a later date.
But for now here is our WALLE-Pi family.

So just a quick tease of whats to come; plus of course my usual array of goodies which you can see whats coming up on my Coming Soon page.

So Ill see you all very soon with lots more video reviews and indepth photoloaded posts right here on

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